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Всего заслуг: 211

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Всего очков: 1105

Личная информация

Дата регистрации: 30.11.2011
Дата рождения: 21 декабря 1990
Регион проживания: Хабаровск

+7 часов к серваку
Для админов: играю иногда с компа папы. Просьба не банить.
Руслан 400
Денис 3200
We see the soul and the pain
We tried our best to save the world
But everyday is still the same
All the violence all the blood and every tear
Fill your minds more and more
with hate and fear

We fight against everything and everyone
With every war we tried to make our kingdom come
Everyday we lose ourselves more and more
But still we pray for
someone to save our souls.

We know that nothing is alright
And there is nothing left inside,
But keep those memories in your mind
We run away to suicide.

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